
Dear students and families, welcome to the Uplands Junior L.E.A.D. Academy S.E.N.D. Curriculum Page.

We are a welcoming and inclusive school, focused on supporting and empowering students. We have high aspirations for all our students and are passionate about seeing them succeed. We work with families and place great value on the voice of the child. Students share their views, and talk about what works and what does not.

We have set up this page to demonstrate the great learning that takes place in our school.

The Inclusion Team is made of the SENDco, teaching assistants, a Phonics leader, a Pastroral lead and an ELSA.

The Staff

My name is Mrs Shaukat and I am the school SENDco. It is my goal to ensure that all children in the school reach their learning targets and and feel empowered to excel in their learning. I lead a team of knowledgeable and nurturing Teaching Assistants who are devoted to children’s progress.
I recently completed my NASENCO qualification at the University of Northampton and I work with all children throughout the school.

Coffee Morning


Parent and Child Event

Some feedback from the parents:

“It was lovely doing different activities with my child.  Really happy with the types of provision put in place for my son.”

“This is really good to understand what my child is doing in school.  This is very helpful for me.  Thank you so much everyone.”

“I enjoyed seeing the activities that my son does in school and how he interacts with other children.”

“We really enjoyed it, especially the sensory games.”

“I have enjoyed the Coffee Morning because it is very helpful.  I played with my child and enjoyed it.  The teacher showed me how to connect with my child.  Thank you for teaching me.”


Children have made a great start to this year’s bespoke interventions to support learning. The adults below support children though out the school. Look at the many different types of provision that takes place.

Inspirational Quotes for the Special Needs Parent! - Firefly ...

Below are some more examples of the fantastic provisions that take place.

Nurture Group at lunchtimes where we practice listening and responding by engaging with the children in shared activities.

Sensory Circuits

Sensory Circuits facilitate sensory processing to help children regulate and organise their senses in order to achieve the ‘just right’ or optimum level of alertness required for effective learning. The circuit should be an active, physical and fun activity that children enjoy doing.


Reading is a school priority, we have provisions in Phonics, 1:1 reading and Reading Rocketeers to accelerate our reading.

You can use the following site to practice phonics. You will have a range of ‘real’ words and ‘pseudo’ words. Choose carefully!

Lego Therapy

Lego therapy is delivered three times a week for 30 minutes. Children work in groups of four and take a role each.
Research into the benefits of a Lego therapy programme have shown it can help develop the following skills:
Visual perception.
Language concepts.
Descriptive language.
Positional language.
Sequencing and planning.

Parent Engagement

We had a successful Coffee Morning in the Spring Term where parents and carers learned about how their children are supported in school. The children proudly shared their learning. The adults leading provisions were also able to discuss lessons, targets and achievement.

How do parents feel?

AS – “We have been excited about the new year. He loves school. He has supporting posters in class. He is seated at the front of the class with a clear view of the teacher”.

MO – “It was difficult in the beginning with the change of routine, but now he seems very settled. He talks about what he had learnt in the class”.

HK – “I think my son is very good and has good relationships with his teachers”.

SC – “I think my daughter has settled in well and has become confident in swimming. She is happy in school”.

SJ – “My child has settled in well and likes coming to school. She has a good relationship with her teacher and has a few friends. I feel like she can be forgetful”.

HB – “My child has settled in well. She really enjoys being in Year 6. Mrs Shaukat has made some positive changes already. My daughter and I feel so comfortable with her. I can see some great changes to help my daughter”.

What do children think of their Provision?

“I like to work with the adult and I want to be an adult teacher”. (LM)

“BRWP is helping me to read better”. (FM)

“Yes, I like writing my abc’s.  It’s helping me with my handwriting”. (ZS)

“I like phonics because I like learning new sounds and I can put into my sentences to make my writing better.   I didn’t know many sounds in yr2 and now I know lots of sounds!” (HS)

“The sessions let me express my emotions however I want to by using my drawing. I like doing Drawing and Talking a lot. “I know more about emotions and because of that I don’t worry as much. I love doing the puzzles in the book”. (JS)

“The sessions let me express my emotions however I want to by using my drawing. I like doing Drawing and Talking a lot. “I know more about emotions and because of that I don’t worry as much. I love doing the puzzles in the book”. (JS)

“When I use Flash Academy I can learn new words every day.  It helps me with the spelling too because I can find the missing letter to make a word. The voice recognition is helpful.  The teacher can help me when I am stuck.  I like coming to Flash Academy because it is fun”. (NN)

“I need help with my writing, I feel scared and unwell in class.  Sensory circuits makes me happy”. (ZS)

Colourful Semantics helps me make better sentences in my English. I enjoy sessions, and it helps me with my full stops and reading. I still need help with my spelling”. (AG)

“I like school.  It’s not too shabby that means it is colourful. I like Sensory Circuits because it’s the only thing I can do out of my classroom in the mornings. Maths is the best because I love it. Mr Walker is my best friend because I helped him out”. (JS)

Furry Friends

The children have opportunities to work with pets at school which can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. It is also a great way to motivate them with their learning! We have 3 guinea pigs Bubblegum, Tufty and Patch who live at school. We also have a reading dog who visits us and enjoys listening to the children sharing their books.

Special Schools and DSPs

To ensure that children are in the right setting if we cannot meet needs, we work closely with parents and external professionals where appropriate. After a long process, one of our students MI will be transferring to ALP. We have worked with the school and parents to ensure that there is an enhanced transition, and that MI feels happy, comfortable and ready for his big move.  

Here is a picture of MI with his new headteacher, the school, his new friend and the taxi that will take him to school.  

MI shared that “I am going to miss my friends and my teachers. I have already made lots of friends in my new school. My friends have made me a card.” 

We will miss him and wish him all the best!