Personal, Social, Health and Economic education

Maintaining strong mental health

This term, Year 6 have been discussing mental health and the different aspects of our lives that can affect it. Discussions were focused on a range of areas including making sensible lifestyle choices and dealing with loss.

What does good personal hygiene mean?

As part of PSHE this half term, the children have been learning about physical and mental well-being. Raabiah shared her tips for maintaining good personal hygiene as a way of avoiding the transmission of germs.


Looking after our teeth

Year 4 have been learning about healthy teeth and the reasons why it is important to have good oral health. Their posters colourfully illustrate how children can look after their teeth.

The impact of a health diet

In year 3, we have learnt about different ways to keep our teeth healthy. Children understand how important it is to look after our physical health as well as our mental health. 

Uplands is an anti-racist school

All the children of Uplands have come together to share a strong and powerful message – we are an anti-racist school.

Career talk in year 6

This week the children have had the opportunity to ask questions around careers. We had a journalist from the BBC come and visit, Shannen Headley. She shared insightful information on how she landed a role at the BBC and spoke about her career at Leicester Mercury. The children also had the opportunity to listen about Mrs Carlisle’s job as a head teacher and all the responsibilities that come with her job. They asked great questions to help further their understanding of the real world.

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Tuesday 11th June 2024

Amy and Marcus from the local police visited our Year 6’s to talk about the diverse careers and opportunities within the police force. They highlighted various roles, including investigating crimes, working as traffic police, supporting the community, and undertaking office-based jobs. Amy and Marcus emphasised the importance of each role in maintaining public safety and how they work together to create a safer community. They also spoke about career progression, explaining how starting in one area could lead to advancement into specialised fields or leadership positions within the force.

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Show racism the red card

On Tuesday morning, Hannah from the above charity, delivered a formative presentation about racism to all the Year 3 children. The children were very engaged and asked lots of very intelligent questions. They learnt what racism is and what to do if they see anyone being racist to others or to them and also how to avoid it. She cleared some misconceptions that the children had during the session. It was age appropriate and interactive.

Year 5 children learn about drugs


Visit from local police officers

We welcomed Amy, Ollie and Marcus, our local community police officers, into Uplands this week. The team are based in Spinney Hill Police Station and are responsible for the Highfields area. Amy, Ollie and Marcus led two assemblies this week; the first to introduce themselves and explain their role – their primary purpose is to help people, the second to talk to children about keeping themselves safe around knives, gangs and drugs. The children asked some excellent questions and were fascinated by the equipment the officers carried. Amy, Marcus and Ollie are hoping that as the children recognise them outside school, the children will say hello and chat to them as a trusted adult within their community who will help them whenever they need it.

The team will be returning to school to have lunch with the children in the near future and hopefully join lessons working with Uplands staff to help deliver the PSHE curriculum.

Healthy eating workshop

The final parent/child healthy eating workshop was held today. The focus was on healthy school packed lunch, the children and their parents made some delicious wraps together. Uplands Junior L.E.A.D. Academy would like to thank Jill Tipple for NHS dietician service for setting this up and running the workshops, children and parents have really enjoyed them and it is something we will look to continue.


What makes a good friend?

Children at Uplands learn how to build and maintain positive relationships.


Navy team building with Year 6

This week, members of the Royal Navy visited and year 6 children learnt that the Royal Navy’s Merlin helicopters are an essential part of the Carrier Strike Group (CSG).

The children’s first challenge was to build a paper helicopter following a design template. They were encouraged to try to fly their helicopters and describe what they saw happening. Children found that the larger the blades the slower the helicopter rotated, this made the helicopter fall to the ground slower. But, if the blades were too large, the slow rotation meant that the helicopter lacked control and drifted, rather than spinning to the ground. The smaller the blades the quicker the helicopter fell to the ground, as it had less air resistance acting on it. If the blades were too short, they did not generate enough lift and the helicopter fell to the ground out of control rather than spinning.