At Uplands Junior L.E.A.D. Academy the safeguarding of pupils is a very high priority. We are committed to ensuring our pupils are safe in school and online.
By giving the pupils the knowledge to safeguard themselves and their personal information we are empowering them with a vital life skill.
Online safety is the safe use of information systems and electronic communications, including the internet, mobile phones and games consoles. It is important that children and young people understand the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology.
Online safety forms part of our curriculum and pupils are regularly reminded of how to stay safe online.
If you have any concerns speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mrs L. Carlisle or a fellow member of the school’s safeguarding team.
Whilst many Internet Service Providers offer filtering systems to help you safeguard your child at home, it remains surprisingly easy for children to access inappropriate material including unsuitable texts, images and movies. Parents/guardians are advised to set the security levels within Internet Browsers with this in mind.
Locating the device to access the Internet in a family area will enable you to supervise children as they use the Internet. However, don’t deny your child the opportunity to learn from the wide variety of material and games available on the Internet. Instead, set some simple rules for keeping them safe and make sure they understand the importance of these rules.
Go through the rules with your child and ensure they understand what you suggest. It is also a good idea to regularly check the Internet sites your child is visiting e.g. by clicking on history and favourites. Please reassure your child that you want to keep them safe rather than take Internet access away from them.
The documents below provide further information with Internet use.
Supporting young people online
Cyber bullying is any form of bullying which takes place online or through smartphones and tablets. Social networking sites, messaging apps, gaming sites and chat rooms such as Facebook, XBox Live, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and other chat rooms can be great fun and a positive experience, but they can be used as platforms to upset and bully individuals.
The documents below provide further information on cyber-bullying:
Cyberbullying tips for parents
The more you know about the kind of social networking sites your children belong to and what information they like to share, the more likely you’ll be able to keep them safe:
The documents below provide further information on social media.