
Music subject overview

Summer concert

We were able to hold our end of term music concert outside yesterday, combining performances from the Rock Steady Bands, ukulele teaching and our choir. It was a lovely afternoon and an enormous well done to the children who performed. Thank you for all the parents who supported and to Rock Steady, Leicestershire Music and Mrs Grimshaw for all the musical opportunities children can take part in. Also, a well done to the Y6 children who helped guide parents to their seats and helped clear up afterwards.

Out of this World!

On Tuesday, a group of year 3, 4 and 5 children visited the De Montfort Hall to sing as part of a massed choir at the Out Of This World concert. The children sang two songs commissioned especially for the event and composed by Elizabeth Kelly with input and involvement from pupils around Leicester. The pieces included a symphony orchestra, primary and secondary school massed choirs and turntables. They also sang other well-known songs such as Spaceman by Sam Ryder. The children couldn’t have been more excited to take part and they all performed brilliantly! An added bonus was the chance to mix with children from other schools during break times, playing games with pupils from Dunton Bassett School, who became their ‘new friends’.

Uplands Choir

A big well done to our choir children who performed as part of a fun-filled afternoon at the Highfields Centre. They joined children of all different ages from schools in the local area for songs and dances, with a finale of all schools singing ‘We’re All In This Together’ from High School Musical. Thank you to parents for supporting the event, we hope you enjoyed it!
‘It made me feel happy to be part of the event’ Sana – 4 Holly 
‘I felt nervous performing in front of lots of people but I really enjoyed it’ Laaibha – 4 Cherry 
‘I was so excited!’ Suhaan – 5 Birch

Year 3 singing project

Rock Steady

A huge well done to our rock bands, Dragon Leader, The Brain Busters and Lightening Rockers for a fantastic Rock Steady concert! We all enjoyed watching you and cheering you on in your performances. We can’t wait to see you again in the summer term.

Choral expert visits Uplands

Our school choir visited the Curve theatre along with children from other schools to take part in the ‘Oh Happy Days’ gospel event. They performed three songs ‘Joy’, ‘Movin’ On’ and ‘All Around’. 

‘It was amazing!’ Hrikkrish Biswas 4Hazel
‘So exciting!’ Daniel Sors 4Hazel
‘Singing makes me feel happy’ Riana Ene 4Hazel

De Montfort Hall

Our choir children had a wonderful time on Wednesday evening performing at the De Montfort Hall to a full audience! They all learnt the words to the songs off by heart and sounded fantastic!

Music Events

A full week of music experiences at Uplands Junior L.E.A.D. Academy this week.

On Tuesday each year group sang some Christmas songs at the Highfields Centre, it was so nice to have the whole school come together. On Wednesday the choir sang at The Caribbean Centre and on Thursday we had our end of term performance by our Rock Steady bands, supported by the choir. A very big thank you to our parents who came to support their children and to join in the singing. Our thanks also goes to Ash from Rock Steady, Chris from Leicestershire Music who teaches ukulele and Rebecca who leads the choir. If your child is interested in joining the choir or Rock Steady please contact Mrs Grimshaw through the school office or refer to the leaflet about Rock Steady later in the newsletter.